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HomeMember Agreement

Membership Agreement

All members are asked to sign this agreement when they register for each session. We have put a copy here for everyone to reference as needed.

Expectations of all choir members:

1. Will sing the choral repertoire in support of the Director’s vision.
2. Will practice the music.
3. Will refrain from wearing perfumes, strong colognes, or scented lotions to rehearsal or performance.
4. Will agree to miss no more than three (3) rehearsals during the semester. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Director. In the event of illness or emergency, please contact the Board President to inform them of your absence. Attendance is mandatory for the following: at least one rehearsal before registration closes, the final Tuesday rehearsal before the concert, the dress rehearsal, and the performance.
5. Will contact the Board President if they decide to stop attending rehearsals or discontinue participation in the group.

I understand that if I do not adhere to the criteria above, my participation in concerts and choir events may be evaluated. The Board of Directors of the Peninsula Community Chorus and Director’s decisions are final.

Contact us:

Phone: (509) 800-7446


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